In this section, you can ask price offers for complex works such as a book, very long text, or a continuous work ...
Note: If your work is urgent, "Quick Order" button below will expedite your project.
Quice Order Price
Voice Over Service Fee
License Rights
The artist offers a "Quick Order" option.
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Project Name ( Max. 50 Characters )
Standart Usage
Corporate Film, Documentary, Podcast, Audiobook, Phone System Voice, Announcements, Meetings, Presentations, YouTube Channel, Local TV, Local Cinemas, Local Radios, Local Social Media Advertisements, etc.
National Usage
Standart Usage Rights + National TV's, National Cinemas, National Radios, National YouTube Advertisement, National Social Media Advertisement, etc.
International Usage
Standart Usage and National Usage Rights + International TV's, International Cinemas, International Radios, International International YouTube Advertisement, International Social Media Advertisement, etc.
With All Rights
Includes unlimited usage rights in unlimited areas for an unlimited period of time.
Number of Sections
Scenario Status
Script / Scenario
Video Link
Additional Take
The artist will deliver the work as 1 version based on the information you provided. If you want alternative readings, you can use this option.
Script Proof Reading
For instance, if you have a script in Chinese and you want the artist to correct the errors while reading the script, you can request them to do so for a fee.
Split Files
Artists submit their work to you in a single file. If you want this voice over to be split into pieces, you can purchase this service. For example; you may request the voice over of all numbers from 1 to 100, but you may want to receive all the numbers as separate files.
You may want the voice over you purchased to be synchronized with your film. For example; you have a film featuring someone speaking in a foreign language and you want dubbing.
Project Quantity and Budget Information
Your Budget (Optional)
Choose Licensed Music